Agent webhooks are designed to allow you to launch an agent in response to a message from a platform like email, slack, etc.

Not to be confused with webhooks, which allows you to receive a notification when an approval or human contact is completed, Agent webhooks are specifically designed for kicking off new tasks and workflows

Agent webhooks are currently in beta. If you’d like to help us test and improve the feature, please reach out to us at

Use cases

Agent webhooks are useful for:

  • Forwarding an email to an agent to handle
  • Launching an agent workflow in response to a message in Slack


To get started with agent webhooks, you’ll need to:

  1. Implement an AI Agent in your language and/or framework of choice
  2. Create a publically reachable URL that can receive webhooks from HumanLayer (we recommend ngrok to catch webhooks while you’re developing locally)
  3. Create a new agent webhook in the HumanLayer dashboard, setting the callback URL to your webhook endpoint
  4. Test the webhook in the HumanLayer dashboard
  5. Test the webhook by sending an email to the channel (slack support coming soon)


Using Ngrok for local development

  1. Start your local API server and note the port it’s running on
  2. Install ngrok and run ngrok http <port>
  3. Copy the ngrok URL and use it as the callback URL in the HumanLayer dashboard